Saturday, October 23, 2010

Reason Patch A Day Archive Refill, Vol 1: The Two Year Anniversary Edition

Almost a month ago, an important anniversary passed here on Reason Patch A Day without notice or comment. On September 25th, the Reason Patch A Day blog turned two years old.

I've said it before, but putting up a patch every day with a few missed days here or there, especially lately, takes a lot more work than I originally expected. Designing a new patch isn't so bad, nor is writing a blog post, but doing them both seems to take a great deal of effort. Maybe it's that jarring switch between right brain and left brain thinking, or maybe it's just the amount of time that those tasks take when combined, but while some of the posts come easily, some seem to kick and scream their way into the world. Thank you for joining me in this sometimes painful, sometimes joyful, process.

To celebrate this belated anniversary, I decided to do one final update of the Reason Patch A Day Archive Refill. As you may remember the first version of the refill was posted back in March of this year, only to be updated a few months later in June, as a way to thank everyone who supported it.

As I have already said in previous posts, my goal in putting together the Reason Patch A Day Archive Refill was not to provide an endless series of updates. So, this is the last time you'll see me posting about a upgraded version of it. Any other Archive Refills released here on Reason Patch A Day will likely be titled Volume 2 or 3.

The updated Reason Patch A Day Archive Refill, Vol 1 contains over 1,100 files, including:

  • 100 Bass Patches
  • 31 Instrument Combinators
  • 60 Effect Combinators
  • 18 Effect Patches
  • 197 Pad Patches
  • 155 Percussion Patches
  • 142 Synth Patches
  • 14 Sampler Patches
  • 5 Yamaha Drum Machine Kits (with additional variations)
  • Misc Samples and Loops
  • And a couple of other surprises....

Thank you to everyone who has helped make the site a success by visiting it daily. And, thank you especially to those of you who provided financial donations and patches to support what I've been doing for the last two years. I'm not sure I can express how much I appreciate your donations.

As before, I urge you to go back and check out the Reader Contribution patches, which are not included in the Refill. Reason Patch A Day has hosted some excellent work from readers (and sometimes fellow bloggers) DJ Mad Wax, Ruurd Huizenga, Lewis.72, Rob Anselmi, Ghostly, Dan Reneer, Darryl Miller, Navi Retlav, and Meowsqueak, and I think you'll enjoy their contributions as much as I have. So, check them out!

Thanks again!


icecubefactory said...

thank-you so much for all your excellent outstanding work

Lewis.72 said...

Congratulations on 2 years of Reason Patch a Day! I enjoy checking out your sound creations and collect a lot of superb ideas from them for my own projects.



John Kotermanski said...

whats up, sent a donation of $5 when do i get the refill! lol

John Kotermanski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patch-A-Day Robbneu said...

Darryl and Lewis, thanks for the kind words and encouragement. This project has been a lot of fun and I really appreciate both of you guys being a part of it, so thanks!

John, you should have gotten an email from me about twenty minutes ago with your download link. Its not exactly an automated process, so I appreciate your patience. :)

Hydlide said...

Congratz on the 2 year anniversary!


Unknown said...

Hi guys, i'm new of this blog; i've just find it few days ago, and now that i took a look around i can say you're an hero, Robbneu! I really like the open-source philosophy that makes it work, and i wanna partecipate! I've just bought my copy of Reason 5, and iwould like tu buy your patch-a-day refill archive. How can i do?

Thanx a lot!

p.s.: sorry for my bad english...

Patch-A-Day Robbneu said...

Thanks, Hydlide, I appreciate that!

Giangiacomo, thanks for dropping by and taking the time to leave a comment. No need to apologize for your English skills, at all! To answer your question, if you want to provide some of your own patches to be shared here, please just send them to me at patchaday (at) earthlink (dot) net.

If you want to purchase the refill, just click on the "Donate Now" link in the upper right corner of the blog. I send a link to anyone who donates over $1 to download the refill.